Monday, December 5, 2011

Submitted a SQL Tribal Knowledge abstract

Jen McCown ( Twitter | Blog ) is calling all the unpublished SQL Server folk and non MVPs!

She has this brilliant idea about a community-written book of tribal SQL Server knowledge.

Anyway I've managed to contact her and she was generous to accpet my 3 abstracts after she closed the submition timeline.
I'm So excited that I could write for the SQL community and share the knowledge,These are actually what came to my mind back then, but really regret not sending anything about SQL 2012 as it would be more suitable.

Title: SSIS notifications, using “SEND MAIL TASK”.

Category: Advanced SSIS

Level: 300

Goal: Learn about the various ways and the capabilities of SSIS notifications.

Abstract: Examining the common and the possible ways to send e-mail notifications for various scenarios, on error, on success using the built in “Send Mail Task” and learning abut it’s limitations, the ways to extend it using a script component utilizing a .NET code, sending HTML e-mails, sending Table results to E-mail, using expressions in description and e-mail body, addressing the way to minimize creating notifications by creating a portable template that could be plugged to any package using child / parent variables.

A-Overview, usage and its limitations

B-Using .NET in a Script Component.

C-Using add-on community tasks.

D-Sending HTML E-mail notifications.

E-HTML Table Results.

F-Expression driven dynamic notifications.

G-Creating portable notification templates using variables.

Title: SSIS Dynamic capability, using variables and expressions.

Category: Advanced SSIS

Level: 400

Goal: Learn about the power of dynamic SSIS using expressions and the ways to pass values across components using variables.

Abstract: Learning about moving your package to the next level and leverage the usage by utilizing variables and the impressively expressions that can change and configure itself at runtime.

Get to know the best naming conventions for your variables, how variables are being created, it’s scope and its various data types.

Using variables in your script task, using dispensers, passing variables to a child package.

A-Overview, usage and scope.

B- Variables data Types.

C-Naming best practices.

D-Variables Using .NET in Script Task.

E-Expressions and Dynamic SSIS

F-Using the expressions builder and the Expression Tester App.

G-Operators, Functions, Literals and Casting.

H-Commons Sting, Numeric, NULL, Conditional and Date & Time examples.

Title: SSIS SMO Tasks (SQL Server Management Objects)

Category: Advanced SSIS

Level: 200

Goal: Do you know how many times you’ve used SSIS and you’re not aware! While using the import and export wizard within SSMS, while scheduling maintenance plans within SSMS.

Learn about the various tasks that could help the DBA to make their work faster, Move, copy, detach databases, logins and SQL agent jobs between servers.

Move, copy database objects such as tables, views and stored procedures within tables.

A-   Transfer Database Task.

B- Transfer Error Messages Task

C-   Transfer Jobs Task

D-   Transfer Logins Task

E-   Transfer Master Stored Procedures Task

F-    Transfer SQL Server Objects Task

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